The Street Full of Color

Creation of The Rainbow Color Artist Garden


Type: Academic / Individual Work
Time: Fall 2020
Area: 5.4 Acres
Tutor: Michael Blier, Jacob
Location: Downtown Providence, RI


The city of Providence has a long history of art. Since the 19th-century textile history and then the 20th-century jewelry. However, even today’s downtown has various wall paintings at different spots, there is not a single place to gather people and able to let them immerse themselves in art. The “artists” zone in the down city is proposing a diverse art activities place for artists, visitors, citizens, and students in providence to fully engage in different forms of art.




In the hundred years of development, the main function of Providence Downtown has changed from the dyeing to the jewelry industry, and now it is mainly occupied by the school. The new concept aims to strengthen the connection between the school and the community and to provide a platform for students’ creativity and ideas. The Boutique and Art street is designed to contain a series of galleries and shops to make and exhibit different types of artwork.

The design proposes to move the original parking lots underground, while actively developing the roof. Connecting the space between the roof and the landscape above ground as much as possible to create multi-level activities space.


The color concept was based on the color of the wall, the painting on the wall, and its ambient. Different spaces are designed with different colors, everyone is able to stay in the space with their favorite color. Walking between the various color space is also watching different exhibitions.

Section A-A


Section B-B

Physical Model


Entrance Plaza


Sunken Garden



Sculpture Garden

Photography Gallery


Art and history are freely open to the public without any doors, so all people can enjoy the art in such various color spaces. The indoor-outdoor space creates the possibility for different kinds of exhibitions and various kinds of art parties.


History Wall


Fountain Garden

The space is static, but a series of walls showing different artwork will be dynamically changed in the period. Visitors will visit the site during times of the year, feeling the artwork and the seasonal changes.